Friday, July 20, 2007

2 down...

...26 to go. This morning my stomach is uneasy and I'm tired but after my shower I'm better. I guess I just have to take this one day at a time. Before I would really look forward to getting out of work on Fridays because I knew that I would have 6 days off following that. Now, I know that while I get a day off, it will be spent traveling and then I will teach 3 classes on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Like I said, I guess one day at a time...

Last night wasn't too bad, there were some issues with the Level 5 kids talking too much in class and not paying attention. Also, some of the girls were passing notes. I had to deal with these problems, which kind of put me on edge and as such made my Level 7 class go a little bumpy, I kind of snipped a bit at one of the younger students who didn't seem to be paying attention (though he said he was). At the end of class James, who had to fill out his eval early since he wouldn't attend next week, tried to sell me on some job opportunity for a Pre-Paid Legal Services company he works for or starts...he gave me his business card and a DVD to watch, and said he would call me in the next couple of days to see what I thought. That was interesting.

On the plus side, I'm not necessarily dreading today. I just want to get through it. I am looking forward to getting my laptop tonight. I have an early flight tomorrow so hopefully it won't be an ordeal. Jackie has been wonderfully supportive through this, and last night when I came home she made us dinner (gourmet hamburgers and steamed broccoli) and dessert (pumpkin cake with yogurt and cream cheese frosting). I'm also leaving her a huge pile of dishes that I didn't get to washing and she's being a real trooper about it.

At least it's sunny today. Yesterday it was pouring all throughout my first class. I thought, "what a perfect start to this." Maybe it was portent.


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